Amy's has listed her favorite props and helps to improve your posture and health. From desks and chairs, to pillows and beds, to shoes and backpacks, Amy has highlighted all the essentials to a pain-free lifestyle.

Browse the categories below to see props and helps that will transform your lifestyle and lead you to pain-free living.

*Amy uses Amazon affiliate links to help support her health practice. She receives a small commission for any items purchased through the links below. There is no additional cost to you.

Back Support, Neck Support and Pain Management


Massage/Props for Connective Tissue Release and Props for Rolling

Strength Training

Car Seat Helps

Chair Support, Chairs and Recliners



Tablet/iPad/Laptop Stands & Book Holders

Beds, Mattresses and Mats





Health and Home

Preparedness (PPE and Disaster Prep)


Mindfulness & Healing

Scar Management

Shoes Inserts

Men’s Shoes and Sandals

Women’s Shoes and Sandals

Yoga Bolster & Blankets

Toilette & Constipation Management

Babby Carriers